Abdulrahman: This journey made me stronger than I think

In an inspiring story of healing, Abdulrahman, a 13-year-old Qatari boy, recounts how his life changed drastically at age eight. He never anticipated that his innocent play with his cousins and brother would transform into a challenging journey.

The Difficult Start:

The days leading up to Abdulrahman’s eighth birthday were full of joy and laughter, but illness began to encroach upon his young body. After noticing his worsening health, his mother decided to take him to the pediatric emergency center in Al-Sadd. Abdulrahman thought this visit would be just another routine check-up, but little did he know it would drastically alter his life.

When the family arrived at the center, they were shocked to be asked to move to an isolation room, which caused great concern for his mother. Abdulrahman was too young to fully understand what was happening and felt a mix of anxiety and fear. His mother reached out to the doctors, but they did not explain the reason for the isolation procedures. Amid this uncertainty, she discovered through online research that Abdulrahman might have leukemia, although this was not yet confirmed by the doctors.

Searching for Hope:

Abdulrahman began his journey with chemotherapy at Hamad General Hospital, but this was only the beginning. After days of tests and diagnoses, he was confirmed to have acute myeloid leukemia, and his chemotherapy treatment began, lasting for years. Despite Abdulrahman’s pain and anxiety, his mother remained by his side, helping him understand the illness and cope with it in age-appropriate ways.

The Treatment Journey:

The family moved to a children’s hospital in Washington, D.C., where Abdulrahman started a complex medical journey. He experienced significant distress and sadness due to the chemotherapy, and losing his hair was among the most challenging aspects. Nevertheless, there were moments of support, such as his uncle comparing his catheter to Iron Man’s “arc reactor,” which gave him the strength to face his challenges.

Meanwhile, Abdulrahman’s mother worked tirelessly to ensure his education continued, with teachers coming to the hospital to teach him. Although it was difficult for him, he later realized the importance of continuing his education as part of his healing journey.

Overcoming Challenges:

Despite the numerous challenges Abdulrahman faced in the hospital, including graft-versus-host disease and repeated chemotherapy, his family’s support never wavered. His mother was particularly distressed by the lack of suitable donors, but hope was restored when a mother in Texas donated umbilical cord blood that matched Abdulrahman.

Returning to Normal Life:

After the transplant, Abdulrahman and his family moved to a new home instead of staying in the hospital. The new home had a large basement that Abdulrahman transformed into his playground, giving him a space for relaxation and fun. However, he was still under regular medical follow-ups. Over time, the family returned to Qatar, where Abdulrahman continued his recovery.

Returning to School and Community:

When Abdulrahman returned to school, he faced difficulties adapting to the new environment, including bullying due to the weight gain from treatment. However, with the support of his new school, he was able to overcome these challenges and make new friends. The school was welcoming and helped him reintegrate into a normal life.

Optimism and Support:

Abdulrahman and his mother have not forgotten the gratitude they owe to the doctors, nurses, and social workers who supported them throughout the treatment journey. Organizations like “Make-A-Wish” and “Panda Group” provided non-medical support, improving Abdulrahman’s quality of life. Gestures such as providing photos of children in the hospital or supporting them through nausea had a significant impact on his morale.

A Message of Hope:

As things settled, Abdulrahman’s mother wanted to share their experience with the community. She expressed her hope that society would become more open and understanding in supporting children and their families facing cancer. She said, “God tested many children with cancer, including my son. This topic should not remain taboo. Society needs to be more open and understanding to help children and their families, as mutual support greatly contributes to overcoming hardships.”


Abdulrahman’s story is a powerful reminder of the strength of hope and the role of family and community support in overcoming tough times. His journey from pain to healing highlights the importance of empathy and cooperation in addressing health challenges.



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